YoVille Cheat Codes are being popularly searched on the internet and I've seen very many sites with fakes ones to waste your time and make you visit their website, that's all fun and joy, but the user won't come back to your website, so we're going to tell you the truth behind cheat codes.
Have you played games like "Grand Theft Auto" where you press X,X,X,X,O, and you're the best player in the game?
Well that's created by the creators of the game to be available to you, some guy doesn't just appear and start typing in codes and making them give him stuff, they were actually set in the creation of the game. This is exactly how YoVille works, and from what I've seen there is absolutely no cheat codes put into this game, so please don't waste your time with YoVille Cheat Codes and just use real YoVille cheats available on this website.
Or you can login to YoVille and keep typing these in until you get bored and realise that YoVille Cheat Codes don't work..
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